Monday, June 04, 2007

Gen Y

"This is the most high-maintenance workforce in the history of the world. The good news is that they're also going to be the most high performing." - Nadhira A. Hira on Generation Y in Fortune (June 4, 2007)


Third World Ant said...

Being labelled as 'high performing' doesn't sound like much of a compliment, does it? Not when you think of what it takes to get there... yaaaaawwwn! Hope you're getting some decent sleep these days?

ATW said...

Sleep? , for the wicked only.

Ant. Sounds like you're having/had a rocky ride on the work front the last month or so. this responsibility stuff is a bummer sometimes.

Third World Ant said...

Nowhere near over, I'm afraid. But, on the positive side, change is imminent. Don't ask for more details, I actually don't have any yet :)

Vallypee said...

Gen Y? I'll have to google this I think. last I heard we were on Gen x, but I guess even they have grown up now ;-)

Vallypee said...

Hope you are both getting some decent sleep these days. If you are in the Gen Y category, then high performance needs good quality fuel!

ATW said...

Isn't change always imminent?