Thursday, April 06, 2006

...And still we get this on the Hansa site.

I read this a publicity blurb about 3 months ago. In line with its new image, launched last year, Hansa Pilsener has launched its own dynamic website, and invites consumers to “Explore the Soul of a Pilsener”.

Perhaps the idea is that I “keep refreshing” myself on my favourite brew until the cows come home and increase sales that way. But it just seems slack or at least some seriously premature PR. I was looking forward to whatever angle the Ogilvy guys could come up with. Anything improves on the 'grey accountant' angle that they used in the nineties (especially if you were a Hansa drinking bean counter, like myself).I wonder if they could get the Bishop, the real king of soul, to endorse the stuff. Now that would be a coup.

Another thought : There are only two kinds of beer. Good beer, and better beer!

UPDATE/APOLOGY: I dropped a note to the Hansa Brand Manager & received some very prompt & polite responses from them & Ogilvy. It seems that the site is up & running after some initial teething problems and has been for some time. For some reason it's still flashing the "under refreshment" bit for me, though. Can anyone else get the site to reveal itself? If it's something on my side you all have my apologies.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

This site has in fact been live for some time now. The 'refreshment' page you are referring to was a temporary page up a while ago during some routine maintenance. Please try clearing your cache. I'm sure you may have already tried "Ctrl F5" and clearing your temporary files in Internet Tools. I hope this helps, sometimes there are issues when the site is going through a proxy server. (from a Non-IT guy).

ATW said...

Thanks SN. Can get in via the flash file. Clearing cache etc didn't make any difference. Interestingly this way it didn't bother asking me if I was 18 or not.